
Posts Tagged ‘Friends’

In this podcast, Dr. Mathis mixes music history and trivia with hints on attempting to intervene with persons who obviously need assistance, but may be unaware and/or unwilling to accept help or even to give any credence to the advice proposed by a concerned party. While some of the suggestions are similar with friends and […]

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The issue that Dr. Mathis tackles on this podcast is the issue of individuality and/or being a “unique person” living in a world that may or may not understand, appreciate, or sanction the difference. Whether the individual is a person who chooses to be different for whatever reason(s) versus someone who is born different, that […]

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With the holiday season upon us, not all persons are necessarily happy about this time of year. For various reasons, many people will experience undue stress and/or depression over this usually joyous time. Dr. Mathis will be discussing various aspects of this phenomena in this podcast, as well as how to help minimize and combat […]

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